1. The competition will run until the end of the Senior Football Championship or which ever event is held last |
2. The competition consists of 20 questions and five possible answers that the participants can choose from |
3. The ‘Other’ option means any other winner other than the first four options in that question |
4. In the event of a draw, the tie breaker question will be used. If still the same, prize monies will be divided accordingly. If the Tie Breaker question is unanswered a figure of 0 will be used. |
5. In the event of any dispute regarding the rules, conduct or the results of a competition the decision of the Ellistown GAA club executive committee will be final. |
6. All data collected is in full transparency in accordance with GDPR regulations and will not be used for any other purpose than that of the competition. All personal data such as email addresses and phone numbers will not be in any public forums. |
7. If you do not wish to receive e-mails results, participants have the right to ‘unsubscribe’ by replying with the subject titled “unsubscribe”. |
8. No refunds available after closing date. |
9. If an entry is received with no option marked, then the answer is defaulted to the first option, |
10. If an entry is received with more than one option marked, then the answer is defaulted to the first option |
11. If an event is cancelled no points will be awarded and no substitute event will be added |
12. No late entries accepted. |
13. All entrants signed up to the competition are in agreement to have names used in social media/ Ellistown website. |
14. Only original hard copy of answer sheet will be used to determine placing of entrants |